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Care Day Project

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Foster Arizona Housing Project
Mesa, AZ

Foster Arizona

Youth who have experienced foster care do not have the same safety nets and support networks as others their age, and transitioning into adulthood can present unique challenges. Foster Arizona Housing Project exists to provide young adults transitioning out of foster care a safe and stable place to live while offering resources and educational and personal supports for long term success. Learn more:

The Project

Foster Arizona Housing Project maintains several housing opportunities for youth, including a triplex in Mesa that serves up to 12 young men at any given time. Currently, the outdoor space lacks thoughtful design and space to best serve the needs of residents. This project is focused on significant use and aesthetic improvements to the triplex’s landscape and outdoor spaces in the hopes of creating a more approachable and useable space for residents.

Our Industry Partners

Project Captain: BrightView
Responsible for leading the overall design and execution of the Care Day Project through in-kind support of expertise, labor and materials.

Volunteer Team: Landsea Homes
Responsible for recruiting a team of employee-volunteers to come alongside the Project Captain for a day of community service.

In-Kind Supporters: Taylor Morrison (reclaimed pavers) Exerplay (bike rack) and Fidelity National Title (gas grills). Generous supporters of key elements of the project - thank you!

November 5
